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Registrace je dostupná na adrese http://www.fitasc.com

Disciplína: Lovecká kombinace

Organizace: FITASC

10th European Championship of Combined Game Shooting
Final of the European Cup
30th June - 2nd July 2017
- Sarlospuszta, Hungary


Organised by 
Hungarian Clay Target Shooting Federation and Pronobiscum Zrt.

Sarlóspuszta Shooting Complex, H-2375,Tatárszentgyörgy, Sarlóspuszta
GPS:  N 47,04388 E 19,34385   or    N 47,2’ 37 E 19,20’ 37”

Tel: +36 29 319 118  /  Fax: +36 29 319 209
Web: www.sarlospuszta.hu  /    E-mail: info@sarlospuszta.hu

Více na  fitasc.com